Thursday, March 31, 2011

Potty training Blues

So, when Madi was "potty trained" it took 24 hours. We bought big girl panties and that was it! (and it helped that her cousin Logan who was 13 days younger was already potty trained!- we are a little competitive)
Never an accident, so easy

Doesn't like the potty. Doesn't like to sit on the potty- SCREAMS bloody murder when I mention the potty.
We have a little potty- it also serves as our step stool for brushing our teeth!
Notice the little lip- especially for boys!!!!

About a week ago, I mentioned to Gavin's sitter that we wanted to start potty training- and she said GREAT! we will work on it here.
First day- he went 2 times with her. But wouldn't go at home.
Next day- he went all by himself....without her. At home- nothing.

I have tried all of the following
  1. M & Ms
  2. Gum
  3. Trucks
We have tried it all. He still wont go at home.

We have reached day 5 of potty training and I am still waiting for that monumental moment when he goes here! AGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!

The potty training saga continues........