Tuesday, November 15, 2011

its the most wonderful time of the year!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is by far my favorite time of the year. The holidays are approaching and Cookie the elf has arrived in our house. He came a little early this year because he remembered that the kids would be leaving for the Thanksgiving holiday to spend it with their dad. Plus- we need a little extra encouragement when it comes to making good choices.

The kids are ever so busy. We had a great Fall soccer season. Madison has moved to up to U8 and we have seen such a huge improvement in her skills. I am looking forward to the spring to see what improvements she makes! Gavin is so ready to play soccer but unfortunately he is too young. We will have to wait until - at the earliest Fall of 2012. I think he will be my little soccer star.

The kids have fallen in love with the farm. We have spent pretty much every weekend at the farm and they are becoming quite the "farm kids". Gavin is still in awe of tractors, green ones of course!, but won't sit on one or even ride one. Madison is all about riding and learning about everything at the farm. They love going to see the cows and Madison has been naming all the new calves that are being born.

We are looking forward to the holidays. We have a lot going on with the holidays coming up but we are really excited!

We will keep you updated on our happenings!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Potty training Blues

So, when Madi was "potty trained" it took 24 hours. We bought big girl panties and that was it! (and it helped that her cousin Logan who was 13 days younger was already potty trained!- we are a little competitive)
Never an accident, so easy

Doesn't like the potty. Doesn't like to sit on the potty- SCREAMS bloody murder when I mention the potty.
We have a little potty- it also serves as our step stool for brushing our teeth!
Notice the little lip- especially for boys!!!!

About a week ago, I mentioned to Gavin's sitter that we wanted to start potty training- and she said GREAT! we will work on it here.
First day- he went 2 times with her. But wouldn't go at home.
Next day- he went all by himself....without her. At home- nothing.

I have tried all of the following
  1. M & Ms
  2. Gum
  3. Trucks
We have tried it all. He still wont go at home.

We have reached day 5 of potty training and I am still waiting for that monumental moment when he goes here! AGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!

The potty training saga continues........

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

staple free

On Saturday (2/19) we had the staples removed and Madison is back to normal (as if she wasn't 2 days post staples). Her dad told her it would tickle and boy was he wrong! Not only did it "Not tickle mommy" it was painful because, as luck would have it, one got stuck and that created tears, screaming and 3 people to "figure out why it was stuck". Needless to say- by the lunch hour on Saturday- we were staple free and out enjoying the weather.
Madison was sure to tell her dad that "it did not tickle" but mommy saved the staples for me to keep! 
After a trip to McDonald's and a few "presents"- we were happy campers. :)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

3 staples and a brave heart! Happy Valentine's Day!

Yesterday as I was finishing up my grueling Monday at work (and valentines day - which i dislike) my phone rings and it is my mom.
**Rewind..... In march of 2010, my two kids and I left New Jersey and we moved back to my hometown of Marietta, OH where my parents still live. (in the same house I grew up in) My parents have been my rock over the past year and a half and I would not be where I am today if it wasn't for their continuous love and support. As a result of the move and everything else, my parents have been helping me with my kids- picking them up from school etc**
Present day- She says to me " She is fine and is being really brave" and in an instant I knew something happened to Madison. My thoughts were broken arm, broken nose, broken leg? NOPE- wrong- she fell down the steps and cracked her head open on the pole at the bottom of the steps. And my thoughts revert to my old "life guarding days" and I am thinking the worst- concussion, bleeding in the brain, etc (typical me- over react)
Result: ER visit.
We are so lucky to live in a small town as there was NO wait for us to get in to see a Doctor. We were back in a room with in 25 minutes of arriving and we were watching Finding Nemo on TV.
Madison is her talkative self, telling me that she had to ask my mom for an ice pack after she fell and we all got a laugh out of that one. Madison is sitting on my lap and we are holding the ice pack on her head and talking about her Valentine's day party at school. She is making jokes and then the Dr. walks in.( we will call him Dr. C)
Dr. C takes a look at it- tells me that he will be doing stitches and then leaves to go get the nurse. Of course this sets off a major meltdown from Madison as she doesn't understand the whole process- she is 5.
The nurse comes back and we start the numbing process. A gel-like substance is applied to the cut to "numb" the area. We do this for about 20 minutes and then it was time.
Well, they decided- and neglected to tell me the mom- that they opted for staples. So as they are just about to do the first staple- the Dr. C proceeds to press (on a huge knot which isn't numb) on Madison's head and the blood curling screams begin! 3 staples later- Madison is up sitting on my lap eating a double purple Popsicle (the nurse had promised) and we were almost out of there. I have to say the 10 seconds of stapling seemed like an ETERNITY, but it was over so quickly and they were quick to tell me that she was numb- just the knot on her head was not.
Popsicle in hand and a smile on her face- we head out to "check out" and get some medicine.  She calls her dad (who still lives in NJ) and tells him everything. I fill in the blanks and we head to Wendy's as it is now 7pm and we both are starving!!!!!

We get home and our normal evening routine goes into play and she is talking and playing with her brother as if nothing happened. "Back to Normal"(minus the 3 staples and some shed tears).

According to Madi- the best thing " I don"t have to wash or brush my hair for 5 days!!!!" And she proceeded to share that with everyone she talked to and also her "name bracelet" was a huge deal as well. Except "The spelled my name wrong- my last name isn't first"
And that is the world according to Madison.

On a "mom" note- I am so proud of my little girl. Brave and bounced back so quickly. I am so proud of her- I can't express it enough.


I have decided to blog about the everyday occurrences of Madison (age 5) and Gavin (age 2) and the world according to them. Follow us as we journey through the terrible 2s...kindergarten....and beyond.